How Smart is Scarlett Johansson Really? The Only Scientific Estimate Online

Explore our detailed analysis of Scarlett Johansson's estimated IQ, built on rigorous statistical methodologies and supported by peer-reviewed research.

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Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson

IQ: 113 ± 6

🔍 How Did We Calculate This?

Note: Scarlett Johansson's SAT score is 1080, which we used as the foundation for our IQ estimate.

1️⃣ SAT to IQ Conversion:

We used the SAT score to make an initial IQ estimate, which resulted in an IQ of approximately 113.

2️⃣ Adjusting for SAT Scores and IQ Correlation:

Given that SAT scores and IQ have a correlation of 0.8, we account for the remaining 20% unexplained variance. Assuming this unexplained variance is normally distributed, we calculated a 95% confidence interval around our estimate. The 95% confidence interval is 113 ± (1.96 * 3) ≈ 113 ± 6.

3️⃣ Final Result:

Our estimation suggests that Scarlett Johansson's IQ is approximately 113, with a 95% confidence interval of 107 to 119.